18 research outputs found

    Validation of CFD codes for risk analysis of accidental hydrocarbon fires

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    Accidental releases of flammable hydrocarbons in chemical process industries can trigger severe hazards: explosions, fires, and dispersion of toxic vapour clouds. Explosions and toxic releases may injure people within large damage radius; however, fires are the most common accidental events that may lead to catastrophic consequences in terms of life and property losses. Within this framework, the prediction of the related-fire effects may significantly contribute to identify measures needed to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of accidents in processing environments. Semi-empirical methods can provide rapid estimations of the flame-geometry descriptors as well as estimations of the heat flux received at a given distance from the fire origin. Based on that information, active protection systems and inherent safer design measures (i.e. safety distances between equipment) can be determined to prevent major fire accidents. Nevertheless, these are based on empirical and statistical data, and do not cover the overall characteristics of the fire behaviour. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling can provide more detailed insights of the related fire effects considering additional complexity, such as different geometries and alternative boundary conditions, and representing different fire sizes: from small to large scale fires. Nevertheless, CFD requires detailed input data, expert knowledge on the phenomenon simulated and on the physical models implemented, and demands high computational resources. The use of CFD modelling for technological risk analysis is still incipient, so detailed validation exercises are needed before their use in real applications. This thesis is mainly aimed at assessing the predictive capabilities of different CFD codes (FDS, FLACS-Fire and FireFOAM) when predicting the hazardous effects of hydrocarbon pool fires and jet fires. Specifically, large-scale pool fires of diesel and gasoline (from 1.5 to 6 m-diameter), vertical sonic jet fires of propane (from 0.09 to 0.34 kg/s with orifice diameters of from 10 to 25.5 mm), vertical subsonic jet fires of methane in normal- and sub- atmospheric pressures (from 0.6 to 1 bar with an orifice diameter of 3 mm), and vertical and horizontal subsonic jet fires of propane (from 0.007 to 0.11 kg/s with orifice diameters of from 12.75 to 43.1 mm-diameter) have been modelled in different CFD codes. Prescribing burning rates provide accurate predictions of the pool fire effects with maximum cell sizes of 0.2 m. On the other hand, the cell sizes of sonic and subsonic jet fires should be determined by considering a fire characteristic diameter of 16 and 12, respectively. A minimum number of 400 solid angles is recommended to obtain accurate estimations of the thermal flux. Based on the numerous computational simulations performed, Best Practice Guidelines (BPG) are developed to determine a code as ‘valid’ or not, and to provide guidance on the most suitable modelling settings when performing CFD simulations of accidental hydrocarbon fires. The BPG usefulness is proved through a case study of an oil storage farm located in the Port of Barcelona. Large over-estimations of the heat flux values are found with semi-empirical correlations and thus, the safety measures required would be very conservative and costly. Therefore, CFD modelling is recommended method to perform detailed FHA in chemical and process industries.Les fuites accidentals d'hidrocarburs inflamables en indústries de processos químics poden desencadenar greus riscos: explosions, incendis i dispersions de núvols de vapor tòxics. Les explosions i les dispersions de gasos poden ferir a persones en un radi de danys més gran; tanmateix, els incendis són els esdeveniments accidentals més habituals que poden causar conseqüències catastròfiques en termes de pèrdues de vida i de propietats. En aquest marc, la predicció dels efectes dels incendis pot contribuir significativament a identificar les mesures necessàries per eliminar o mitigar les conseqüències dels accidents en entorns de processos. Els mètodes semi-empírics poden proporcionar estimacions ràpides de la geometria de la flama així com del flux de calor rebut a una distància determinada de l'origen de l'incendi. A partir d'aquesta informació, es poden implementar sistemes de protecció actius i mesures de disseny inherents (és a dir, distàncies de seguretat entre equips) per evitar grans accidents d'incendis. No obstant, aquestes es basen en dades empíriques i no cobreixen les característiques generals del desenvolupaments dels incendis. El modelatge de dinàmica de fluids computacionals (CFD) pot proporcionar una visió més detallada dels efectes dels incendis ja que tenen en compte la complexitat addicional dels escenaris, com ara geometries i condicions límits diferents, i poden representar diferents mides d'incendis: des de petita fins a gran escala. No obstant, les simulacions CFD requereixen dades d'entrada detallades, coneixements experts sobre el fenomen simulat i sobre els models físics implementats, i exigeixen elevats recursos computacionals. L'ús del modelat CFD per a l'anàlisi del risc tecnològic encara és incipient, i per tant, es necessiten exercicis de validació abans de fomentar la seva aplicació en casos reals. Aquesta tesi està dirigida principalment a avaluar les capacitats predictives de diferents codis CFD (FDS, FLACS-Fire i FireFOAM) alhora de predir els efectes perillosos dels incendis de bassa i de dolls de foc. Concretament, de bassa a gran escala amb dièsel i gasolina (d'1.5 fins a 6 m de diàmetre), dolls de foc verticals sònics amb propà (de 0.09 fins a 0.34 kg/s amb diàmetres d'orificis compresos entre 10 i 25.5 mm), dolls de foc verticals subsònics amb metà a diferents pressions atmosfèriques (des de 0.6 fins a 1 bar amb un diàmetre d'orifici de 3 mm), i dolls de foc verticals i horitzontals subsònics amb propà (de 0.007 fins a 0.11 kg/s amb diàmetres d'orifici compresos entre 12.75 i 43.1 mm) s¿han simulat amb les diferents eines CFD. La prescripció de la velocitat de combustió proporciona prediccions precises dels efectes dels incendis de bassal quan la mida de la cel·la és de 0.2 m com a màxim. D'altra banda, la mida de la cel·la per a simulacions de dolls de foc sònics i subsònics s'ha de determinar tenint en compte un diàmetre característic de l'incendi de 16 i 12, respectivament. Es recomana un número mínim de 400 angles sòlids per obtenir estimacions precises dels fluxos tèrmics. A partir de les nombroses simulacions computacionals realitzades es desenvolupament directrius de bones pràctiques (BPG) per determinar un codi com a 'vàlid' o no, i per proporcionar orientació sobre els paràmetres de modelatge més adequats quan es realitzen simulacions CFD d'incendis accidentals d'hidrocarburs. La utilitat del les BPG es demostra mitjançant un cas d'estudi d'una granja d'emmagatzematge d'hidrocarburs situada al Port de Barcelona. Es troben grans sobreestimacions dels valors del fluxos de calor mitjançant correlacions semi-empíriques. Per tant, es recomana la utilització d'eines CFD per realitzar FHA detallats en indústries químiques i de processos

    Validation of CFD codes for risk analysis of accidental hydrocarbon fires

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    Accidental releases of flammable hydrocarbons in chemical process industries can trigger severe hazards: explosions, fires, and dispersion of toxic vapour clouds. Explosions and toxic releases may injure people within large damage radius; however, fires are the most common accidental events that may lead to catastrophic consequences in terms of life and property losses. Within this framework, the prediction of the related-fire effects may significantly contribute to identify measures needed to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of accidents in processing environments. Semi-empirical methods can provide rapid estimations of the flame-geometry descriptors as well as estimations of the heat flux received at a given distance from the fire origin. Based on that information, active protection systems and inherent safer design measures (i.e. safety distances between equipment) can be determined to prevent major fire accidents. Nevertheless, these are based on empirical and statistical data, and do not cover the overall characteristics of the fire behaviour. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling can provide more detailed insights of the related fire effects considering additional complexity, such as different geometries and alternative boundary conditions, and representing different fire sizes: from small to large scale fires. Nevertheless, CFD requires detailed input data, expert knowledge on the phenomenon simulated and on the physical models implemented, and demands high computational resources. The use of CFD modelling for technological risk analysis is still incipient, so detailed validation exercises are needed before their use in real applications. This thesis is mainly aimed at assessing the predictive capabilities of different CFD codes (FDS, FLACS-Fire and FireFOAM) when predicting the hazardous effects of hydrocarbon pool fires and jet fires. Specifically, large-scale pool fires of diesel and gasoline (from 1.5 to 6 m-diameter), vertical sonic jet fires of propane (from 0.09 to 0.34 kg/s with orifice diameters of from 10 to 25.5 mm), vertical subsonic jet fires of methane in normal- and sub- atmospheric pressures (from 0.6 to 1 bar with an orifice diameter of 3 mm), and vertical and horizontal subsonic jet fires of propane (from 0.007 to 0.11 kg/s with orifice diameters of from 12.75 to 43.1 mm-diameter) have been modelled in different CFD codes. Prescribing burning rates provide accurate predictions of the pool fire effects with maximum cell sizes of 0.2 m. On the other hand, the cell sizes of sonic and subsonic jet fires should be determined by considering a fire characteristic diameter of 16 and 12, respectively. A minimum number of 400 solid angles is recommended to obtain accurate estimations of the thermal flux. Based on the numerous computational simulations performed, Best Practice Guidelines (BPG) are developed to determine a code as ‘valid’ or not, and to provide guidance on the most suitable modelling settings when performing CFD simulations of accidental hydrocarbon fires. The BPG usefulness is proved through a case study of an oil storage farm located in the Port of Barcelona. Large over-estimations of the heat flux values are found with semi-empirical correlations and thus, the safety measures required would be very conservative and costly. Therefore, CFD modelling is recommended method to perform detailed FHA in chemical and process industries.Les fuites accidentals d'hidrocarburs inflamables en indústries de processos químics poden desencadenar greus riscos: explosions, incendis i dispersions de núvols de vapor tòxics. Les explosions i les dispersions de gasos poden ferir a persones en un radi de danys més gran; tanmateix, els incendis són els esdeveniments accidentals més habituals que poden causar conseqüències catastròfiques en termes de pèrdues de vida i de propietats. En aquest marc, la predicció dels efectes dels incendis pot contribuir significativament a identificar les mesures necessàries per eliminar o mitigar les conseqüències dels accidents en entorns de processos. Els mètodes semi-empírics poden proporcionar estimacions ràpides de la geometria de la flama així com del flux de calor rebut a una distància determinada de l'origen de l'incendi. A partir d'aquesta informació, es poden implementar sistemes de protecció actius i mesures de disseny inherents (és a dir, distàncies de seguretat entre equips) per evitar grans accidents d'incendis. No obstant, aquestes es basen en dades empíriques i no cobreixen les característiques generals del desenvolupaments dels incendis. El modelatge de dinàmica de fluids computacionals (CFD) pot proporcionar una visió més detallada dels efectes dels incendis ja que tenen en compte la complexitat addicional dels escenaris, com ara geometries i condicions límits diferents, i poden representar diferents mides d'incendis: des de petita fins a gran escala. No obstant, les simulacions CFD requereixen dades d'entrada detallades, coneixements experts sobre el fenomen simulat i sobre els models físics implementats, i exigeixen elevats recursos computacionals. L'ús del modelat CFD per a l'anàlisi del risc tecnològic encara és incipient, i per tant, es necessiten exercicis de validació abans de fomentar la seva aplicació en casos reals. Aquesta tesi està dirigida principalment a avaluar les capacitats predictives de diferents codis CFD (FDS, FLACS-Fire i FireFOAM) alhora de predir els efectes perillosos dels incendis de bassa i de dolls de foc. Concretament, de bassa a gran escala amb dièsel i gasolina (d'1.5 fins a 6 m de diàmetre), dolls de foc verticals sònics amb propà (de 0.09 fins a 0.34 kg/s amb diàmetres d'orificis compresos entre 10 i 25.5 mm), dolls de foc verticals subsònics amb metà a diferents pressions atmosfèriques (des de 0.6 fins a 1 bar amb un diàmetre d'orifici de 3 mm), i dolls de foc verticals i horitzontals subsònics amb propà (de 0.007 fins a 0.11 kg/s amb diàmetres d'orifici compresos entre 12.75 i 43.1 mm) s¿han simulat amb les diferents eines CFD. La prescripció de la velocitat de combustió proporciona prediccions precises dels efectes dels incendis de bassal quan la mida de la cel·la és de 0.2 m com a màxim. D'altra banda, la mida de la cel·la per a simulacions de dolls de foc sònics i subsònics s'ha de determinar tenint en compte un diàmetre característic de l'incendi de 16 i 12, respectivament. Es recomana un número mínim de 400 angles sòlids per obtenir estimacions precises dels fluxos tèrmics. A partir de les nombroses simulacions computacionals realitzades es desenvolupament directrius de bones pràctiques (BPG) per determinar un codi com a 'vàlid' o no, i per proporcionar orientació sobre els paràmetres de modelatge més adequats quan es realitzen simulacions CFD d'incendis accidentals d'hidrocarburs. La utilitat del les BPG es demostra mitjançant un cas d'estudi d'una granja d'emmagatzematge d'hidrocarburs situada al Port de Barcelona. Es troben grans sobreestimacions dels valors del fluxos de calor mitjançant correlacions semi-empíriques. Per tant, es recomana la utilització d'eines CFD per realitzar FHA detallats en indústries químiques i de processos.Postprint (published version

    Investigation on the thermal degradation and kinetic parameters of innovative insulation materials using TGA-MS

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    Thermogravimetric analyzer coupled to a mass spectrometer (TGA-MS) was used to study the thermochemical behavior of eight samples. Two varieties of straw (wheat and barley) and two others of binder (lime and plaster) have employed to design four composites. These composites can be considered as innovative insulation materials for buildings. The thermal degradation of the different specimens was studied from a temperature of 50 to 1000ºC using increased temperature of 20ºC/min. This thermal degradation is an important element to evaluate the fire behavior and predict the evolution of smoke emitted during an accidental fire for building application. Using MS analyzer, the ion currents evolutions of 16 molecule groups (shared by a m/z ratio) were followed as functions of temperature. TG curves show that the thermal decomposition of composite samples is more complex (3-4 mass loss steps) than the one of the basic materials (1-2 mass loss stages) and seems to be mostly affected by the binder nature. The highest amount of gas in pyrolysis products is associated to m/z=28 ratio and presents more than two thirds of the total quantity. The kinetic parameters were evaluated for the more important mass loss of each sample and their values are in the ranges of 8.29-64.86 kJ/mol, 0.4-3.36 and 1.78 x 10^3 -1.63 x 10^7 min^-1 for respectively the activation energy, the reaction order and the pre-exponential factor.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Computational analysis of fire dynamics inside a wind turbine

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    Wind turbines are generally considered cost-effective, reliable and sustainable energy sources. Fires are not common in wind turbines, but a significant number of fires occur every year due to the large number of turbines installed. Wind turbine fires are difficult to extinguish hence significant damage is expected. Due to the unmanned operation, the probability of a turbine being occupied during a fire is very low. However, operators can do several tasks every week, and hence be exposed to a certain risk. Moreover, there is a general lack of information about how a fire develops inside a wind turbine and the subsequent evolution of the tenability conditions during the time required for an eventual evacuation. Gamesa has been working on fire safety since 2013, using CFD fire modelling to provide insights on wind turbine fire development for the design of emergency procedures. The paper describes a fire hazard analysis performed in a Gamesa’s 2.5 MW turbine. A CFD simulation is carried out to estimate the effects during the first minutes of a typical wind turbine fire in an electrical cabinet. Results show that average oxygen concentration at the nacelle remains above 19.5% during the first 10 min; temperature remains below 60°C for 12 min if measured at 1.5 m; and visibility is on average assured at heights lower than 1.5 m, with values above 5 m during the first 8 min in worse locations, implying no danger for personnel. The potential of this type of analysis to design safer wind turbines under performance-based approaches is clearly demonstrated.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A priori validation of CFD modelling of hydrocarbon pool fires

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    Fires can be an important hazard for the safety of chemical and process industries. Particularly, pool fires are the most frequent fire scenarios in such facilities and can affect other equipment of the plant with severe consequences due to the domino effect. During the last decades, simplified fire modelling tools were used to predict some of the harmful effects that hydrocarbon pool fires may entail. Although these can be applied to limited number of scenarios, they cannot cover the overall characteristics governing the fire behaviour. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling can provide more detailed insights of the related fire effects, can consider complex geometries and can represent from small to large scale fires. However, simulation results should be firstly compared to experimental measurements in order to assess the predictive capabilities of these tools. This paper investigates the predictive capabilities of CFD modelling when performing a priori simulations of medium and large scale hydrocarbon pool fires. The main objective is to assess the fire effects prediction performance of two CFD codes that may be used to evaluate the hazard of hydrocarbon pool fires. FLACS-Fire and FDS codes have been used to simulate medium and large scale pool fires (1.5, 3, 4, 5 and 6¿m-diameter) of diesel and gasoline fuels in unconfined environments. Given the notable differences between the mathematical methods applied to solve the CFD sub-models, the mesh resolution and the boundary conditions in each investigated tool, this study is not aimed at directly comparing both codes (i.e. using identical sub-models choices). However, the present CFD analysis is intended to reveal the potential of each software separately by applying the most appropriate modelling options for each tool. Based on a qualitative assessment of the predictions and a quantitative error estimation of the variables measured (i.e. flame temperature, burning rate, heat flux, flame height, flame surface, and surface emissive power), the main strengths and weaknesses of FLACS-Fire and FDS are identified when modelling hydrocarbon pool firesPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Infrared imaging software for jet fire analysis

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    Jet fires, often originated by the ignition of hydrocarbon sonic jets, are characterized by a high momentum jet flame lifted from the outlet orifice. The high thermal flux released, especially if there is flames impingement on a given equipment, can lead to a domino effect. Therefore, predicting its size and shape is quite interesting in order to foresee the possibility of this effect on a given equipment. Several mathematical models have been proposed to predict jet fires main features, some of them based on experimental data. However, the analysis of jet flames can be sometimes difficult. In this communication, an inhouse infrared imaging software for jet fire analysis is presented, which allows the calculation of different flamegeometry descriptors. A set of capabilities are included in a graphical user-friendly interface that can help users to easily obtain fire metrics. The tool also provides options to export the results for a post-processing analysis useful for risk prevention, such as preventive design and calculation, and emergency protocols design.Postprint (published version

    Validation of CFD codes for risk analysis of accidental hydrocarbon fires

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    Accidental releases of flammable hydrocarbons in chemical process industries can trigger severe hazards: explosions, fires, and dispersion of toxic vapour clouds. Explosions and toxic releases may injure people within large damage radius; however, fires are the most common accidental events that may lead to catastrophic consequences in terms of life and property losses. Within this framework, the prediction of the related-fire effects may significantly contribute to identify measures needed to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of accidents in processing environments. Semi-empirical methods can provide rapid estimations of the flame-geometry descriptors as well as estimations of the heat flux received at a given distance from the fire origin. Based on that information, active protection systems and inherent safer design measures (i.e. safety distances between equipment) can be determined to prevent major fire accidents. Nevertheless, these are based on empirical and statistical data, and do not cover the overall characteristics of the fire behaviour. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling can provide more detailed insights of the related fire effects considering additional complexity, such as different geometries and alternative boundary conditions, and representing different fire sizes: from small to large scale fires. Nevertheless, CFD requires detailed input data, expert knowledge on the phenomenon simulated and on the physical models implemented, and demands high computational resources. The use of CFD modelling for technological risk analysis is still incipient, so detailed validation exercises are needed before their use in real applications. This thesis is mainly aimed at assessing the predictive capabilities of different CFD codes (FDS, FLACS-Fire and FireFOAM) when predicting the hazardous effects of hydrocarbon pool fires and jet fires. Specifically, large-scale pool fires of diesel and gasoline (from 1.5 to 6 m-diameter), vertical sonic jet fires of propane (from 0.09 to 0.34 kg/s with orifice diameters of from 10 to 25.5 mm), vertical subsonic jet fires of methane in normal- and sub- atmospheric pressures (from 0.6 to 1 bar with an orifice diameter of 3 mm), and vertical and horizontal subsonic jet fires of propane (from 0.007 to 0.11 kg/s with orifice diameters of from 12.75 to 43.1 mm-diameter) have been modelled in different CFD codes. Prescribing burning rates provide accurate predictions of the pool fire effects with maximum cell sizes of 0.2 m. On the other hand, the cell sizes of sonic and subsonic jet fires should be determined by considering a fire characteristic diameter of 16 and 12, respectively. A minimum number of 400 solid angles is recommended to obtain accurate estimations of the thermal flux. Based on the numerous computational simulations performed, Best Practice Guidelines (BPG) are developed to determine a code as ‘valid’ or not, and to provide guidance on the most suitable modelling settings when performing CFD simulations of accidental hydrocarbon fires. The BPG usefulness is proved through a case study of an oil storage farm located in the Port of Barcelona. Large over-estimations of the heat flux values are found with semi-empirical correlations and thus, the safety measures required would be very conservative and costly. Therefore, CFD modelling is recommended method to perform detailed FHA in chemical and process industries.Les fuites accidentals d'hidrocarburs inflamables en indústries de processos químics poden desencadenar greus riscos: explosions, incendis i dispersions de núvols de vapor tòxics. Les explosions i les dispersions de gasos poden ferir a persones en un radi de danys més gran; tanmateix, els incendis són els esdeveniments accidentals més habituals que poden causar conseqüències catastròfiques en termes de pèrdues de vida i de propietats. En aquest marc, la predicció dels efectes dels incendis pot contribuir significativament a identificar les mesures necessàries per eliminar o mitigar les conseqüències dels accidents en entorns de processos. Els mètodes semi-empírics poden proporcionar estimacions ràpides de la geometria de la flama així com del flux de calor rebut a una distància determinada de l'origen de l'incendi. A partir d'aquesta informació, es poden implementar sistemes de protecció actius i mesures de disseny inherents (és a dir, distàncies de seguretat entre equips) per evitar grans accidents d'incendis. No obstant, aquestes es basen en dades empíriques i no cobreixen les característiques generals del desenvolupaments dels incendis. El modelatge de dinàmica de fluids computacionals (CFD) pot proporcionar una visió més detallada dels efectes dels incendis ja que tenen en compte la complexitat addicional dels escenaris, com ara geometries i condicions límits diferents, i poden representar diferents mides d'incendis: des de petita fins a gran escala. No obstant, les simulacions CFD requereixen dades d'entrada detallades, coneixements experts sobre el fenomen simulat i sobre els models físics implementats, i exigeixen elevats recursos computacionals. L'ús del modelat CFD per a l'anàlisi del risc tecnològic encara és incipient, i per tant, es necessiten exercicis de validació abans de fomentar la seva aplicació en casos reals. Aquesta tesi està dirigida principalment a avaluar les capacitats predictives de diferents codis CFD (FDS, FLACS-Fire i FireFOAM) alhora de predir els efectes perillosos dels incendis de bassa i de dolls de foc. Concretament, de bassa a gran escala amb dièsel i gasolina (d'1.5 fins a 6 m de diàmetre), dolls de foc verticals sònics amb propà (de 0.09 fins a 0.34 kg/s amb diàmetres d'orificis compresos entre 10 i 25.5 mm), dolls de foc verticals subsònics amb metà a diferents pressions atmosfèriques (des de 0.6 fins a 1 bar amb un diàmetre d'orifici de 3 mm), i dolls de foc verticals i horitzontals subsònics amb propà (de 0.007 fins a 0.11 kg/s amb diàmetres d'orifici compresos entre 12.75 i 43.1 mm) s¿han simulat amb les diferents eines CFD. La prescripció de la velocitat de combustió proporciona prediccions precises dels efectes dels incendis de bassal quan la mida de la cel·la és de 0.2 m com a màxim. D'altra banda, la mida de la cel·la per a simulacions de dolls de foc sònics i subsònics s'ha de determinar tenint en compte un diàmetre característic de l'incendi de 16 i 12, respectivament. Es recomana un número mínim de 400 angles sòlids per obtenir estimacions precises dels fluxos tèrmics. A partir de les nombroses simulacions computacionals realitzades es desenvolupament directrius de bones pràctiques (BPG) per determinar un codi com a 'vàlid' o no, i per proporcionar orientació sobre els paràmetres de modelatge més adequats quan es realitzen simulacions CFD d'incendis accidentals d'hidrocarburs. La utilitat del les BPG es demostra mitjançant un cas d'estudi d'una granja d'emmagatzematge d'hidrocarburs situada al Port de Barcelona. Es troben grans sobreestimacions dels valors del fluxos de calor mitjançant correlacions semi-empíriques. Per tant, es recomana la utilització d'eines CFD per realitzar FHA detallats en indústries químiques i de processos

    Validation of CFD codes for risk analysis of accidental hydrocarbon fires

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    Accidental releases of flammable hydrocarbons in chemical process industries can trigger severe hazards: explosions, fires, and dispersion of toxic vapour clouds. Explosions and toxic releases may injure people within large damage radius; however, fires are the most common accidental events that may lead to catastrophic consequences in terms of life and property losses. Within this framework, the prediction of the related-fire effects may significantly contribute to identify measures needed to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of accidents in processing environments. Semi-empirical methods can provide rapid estimations of the flame-geometry descriptors as well as estimations of the heat flux received at a given distance from the fire origin. Based on that information, active protection systems and inherent safer design measures (i.e. safety distances between equipment) can be determined to prevent major fire accidents. Nevertheless, these are based on empirical and statistical data, and do not cover the overall characteristics of the fire behaviour. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling can provide more detailed insights of the related fire effects considering additional complexity, such as different geometries and alternative boundary conditions, and representing different fire sizes: from small to large scale fires. Nevertheless, CFD requires detailed input data, expert knowledge on the phenomenon simulated and on the physical models implemented, and demands high computational resources. The use of CFD modelling for technological risk analysis is still incipient, so detailed validation exercises are needed before their use in real applications. This thesis is mainly aimed at assessing the predictive capabilities of different CFD codes (FDS, FLACS-Fire and FireFOAM) when predicting the hazardous effects of hydrocarbon pool fires and jet fires. Specifically, large-scale pool fires of diesel and gasoline (from 1.5 to 6 m-diameter), vertical sonic jet fires of propane (from 0.09 to 0.34 kg/s with orifice diameters of from 10 to 25.5 mm), vertical subsonic jet fires of methane in normal- and sub- atmospheric pressures (from 0.6 to 1 bar with an orifice diameter of 3 mm), and vertical and horizontal subsonic jet fires of propane (from 0.007 to 0.11 kg/s with orifice diameters of from 12.75 to 43.1 mm-diameter) have been modelled in different CFD codes. Prescribing burning rates provide accurate predictions of the pool fire effects with maximum cell sizes of 0.2 m. On the other hand, the cell sizes of sonic and subsonic jet fires should be determined by considering a fire characteristic diameter of 16 and 12, respectively. A minimum number of 400 solid angles is recommended to obtain accurate estimations of the thermal flux. Based on the numerous computational simulations performed, Best Practice Guidelines (BPG) are developed to determine a code as ‘valid’ or not, and to provide guidance on the most suitable modelling settings when performing CFD simulations of accidental hydrocarbon fires. The BPG usefulness is proved through a case study of an oil storage farm located in the Port of Barcelona. Large over-estimations of the heat flux values are found with semi-empirical correlations and thus, the safety measures required would be very conservative and costly. Therefore, CFD modelling is recommended method to perform detailed FHA in chemical and process industries.Les fuites accidentals d'hidrocarburs inflamables en indústries de processos químics poden desencadenar greus riscos: explosions, incendis i dispersions de núvols de vapor tòxics. Les explosions i les dispersions de gasos poden ferir a persones en un radi de danys més gran; tanmateix, els incendis són els esdeveniments accidentals més habituals que poden causar conseqüències catastròfiques en termes de pèrdues de vida i de propietats. En aquest marc, la predicció dels efectes dels incendis pot contribuir significativament a identificar les mesures necessàries per eliminar o mitigar les conseqüències dels accidents en entorns de processos. Els mètodes semi-empírics poden proporcionar estimacions ràpides de la geometria de la flama així com del flux de calor rebut a una distància determinada de l'origen de l'incendi. A partir d'aquesta informació, es poden implementar sistemes de protecció actius i mesures de disseny inherents (és a dir, distàncies de seguretat entre equips) per evitar grans accidents d'incendis. No obstant, aquestes es basen en dades empíriques i no cobreixen les característiques generals del desenvolupaments dels incendis. El modelatge de dinàmica de fluids computacionals (CFD) pot proporcionar una visió més detallada dels efectes dels incendis ja que tenen en compte la complexitat addicional dels escenaris, com ara geometries i condicions límits diferents, i poden representar diferents mides d'incendis: des de petita fins a gran escala. No obstant, les simulacions CFD requereixen dades d'entrada detallades, coneixements experts sobre el fenomen simulat i sobre els models físics implementats, i exigeixen elevats recursos computacionals. L'ús del modelat CFD per a l'anàlisi del risc tecnològic encara és incipient, i per tant, es necessiten exercicis de validació abans de fomentar la seva aplicació en casos reals. Aquesta tesi està dirigida principalment a avaluar les capacitats predictives de diferents codis CFD (FDS, FLACS-Fire i FireFOAM) alhora de predir els efectes perillosos dels incendis de bassa i de dolls de foc. Concretament, de bassa a gran escala amb dièsel i gasolina (d'1.5 fins a 6 m de diàmetre), dolls de foc verticals sònics amb propà (de 0.09 fins a 0.34 kg/s amb diàmetres d'orificis compresos entre 10 i 25.5 mm), dolls de foc verticals subsònics amb metà a diferents pressions atmosfèriques (des de 0.6 fins a 1 bar amb un diàmetre d'orifici de 3 mm), i dolls de foc verticals i horitzontals subsònics amb propà (de 0.007 fins a 0.11 kg/s amb diàmetres d'orifici compresos entre 12.75 i 43.1 mm) s¿han simulat amb les diferents eines CFD. La prescripció de la velocitat de combustió proporciona prediccions precises dels efectes dels incendis de bassal quan la mida de la cel·la és de 0.2 m com a màxim. D'altra banda, la mida de la cel·la per a simulacions de dolls de foc sònics i subsònics s'ha de determinar tenint en compte un diàmetre característic de l'incendi de 16 i 12, respectivament. Es recomana un número mínim de 400 angles sòlids per obtenir estimacions precises dels fluxos tèrmics. A partir de les nombroses simulacions computacionals realitzades es desenvolupament directrius de bones pràctiques (BPG) per determinar un codi com a 'vàlid' o no, i per proporcionar orientació sobre els paràmetres de modelatge més adequats quan es realitzen simulacions CFD d'incendis accidentals d'hidrocarburs. La utilitat del les BPG es demostra mitjançant un cas d'estudi d'una granja d'emmagatzematge d'hidrocarburs situada al Port de Barcelona. Es troben grans sobreestimacions dels valors del fluxos de calor mitjançant correlacions semi-empíriques. Per tant, es recomana la utilització d'eines CFD per realitzar FHA detallats en indústries químiques i de processos

    Investigation on the thermal degradation and kinetic parameters of innovative insulation materials using TGA-MS

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    Thermogravimetric analyzer coupled to a mass spectrometer (TGA-MS) was used to study the thermochemical behavior of eight samples. Two varieties of straw (wheat and barley) and two others of binder (lime and plaster) have employed to design four composites. These composites can be considered as innovative insulation materials for buildings. The thermal degradation of the different specimens was studied from a temperature of 50 to 1000ºC using increased temperature of 20ºC/min. This thermal degradation is an important element to evaluate the fire behavior and predict the evolution of smoke emitted during an accidental fire for building application. Using MS analyzer, the ion currents evolutions of 16 molecule groups (shared by a m/z ratio) were followed as functions of temperature. TG curves show that the thermal decomposition of composite samples is more complex (3-4 mass loss steps) than the one of the basic materials (1-2 mass loss stages) and seems to be mostly affected by the binder nature. The highest amount of gas in pyrolysis products is associated to m/z=28 ratio and presents more than two thirds of the total quantity. The kinetic parameters were evaluated for the more important mass loss of each sample and their values are in the ranges of 8.29-64.86 kJ/mol, 0.4-3.36 and 1.78 x 10^3 -1.63 x 10^7 min^-1 for respectively the activation energy, the reaction order and the pre-exponential factor.Peer Reviewe

    Pyrolysis gases released during the thermal degradation of insulation materials based on straw fibers

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    Interest in recovering and valorizing agricultural biomass residues has increased in recent years in response to emerging economic opportunities and the potential for more sustainable use of renewable and easy available resources. The present research has been carried out to understand and analyze the gaseous emissions during thermal degradation of the new straw fiber concrete developed for insulation application. Two straw fibers (wheat and barley) and two binders (plaster and lime) have been collected and mixed with different S/B ratios to conceive thermal insulation composites. Gaseous emissions are required as a crucial investigation firstly to evaluate the environmental and human pollution and secondly to predict the ignition of these new materials. Py–GC/MS analyses have been carried out for basic and composite materials at 300°C. The thermal degradation of straws essentially released cellulose, lignin moieties and trimethyl pentadecanone. Composite materials, produced 27 compounds when submitted to a temperature of 300°C. The straw composite materials gaseous emissions appear to be influenced by binder nature and S/B ratio.Peer Reviewe